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Mama of Multiples 🇬🇧

We birthed multiples, survived sleepless nights and dirty diapers.

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K in Baby milestones


My twins are nearly 19 months old and constantly biting eachother! I don’t know how to stop them from taking chunks out of eachother 😫 any ideas? Or just wait for the phase to go? They’re boy/girl twins and don’t seem to be close at all! I don’t know where the twin bond is?! 😫😂

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H in Early pregnancy symptoms

22 weeks with twin girls!

I’m 22 weeks pregnant with twin girls. I’ve got really bad sciatica, my belly feels really low & heavy and I’ve spent the last few days sleeping a lot because I’ve got no energy at all. I’ve still got morning sickness & heartburn too! Please tell me this is all normal. These are babies number 4&5 for me. Usually the...

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C in Pregnancy scans

26 weeks pregnant

26 weeks pregnant with Twin Girls and I’m starting to panic, I haven’t felt much movement in the last 2 days but I have a scan tomorrow (first Time doing this) do I wait for the scan or go over???

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C in Multiple birth

Taking twins out

Hi everyone! At what age were you able to take your twins out by yourself without the stroller? My twins are 19 months and I would love to be able to take them out of the stroller when out and about! But they are a bit wild and start running in different directions 🤣 any tips? 😊

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A in Other

Dog and twins

I have 6 month old twins, we lost our Boxer dog in December due to cancer 9 days before the twins came home from Nicu, still breaks my heart now that they never met! We have spoken about getting a dog within the next year or so.. we would like a puppy, so the twins and puppy can grow up together. (Also so we can t...

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