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Incognito in Work & money

Maternity Grant

I'm receiving universal credit at the moment as I only get statutory maternity pay. I was told that I can apply for the Ā£500 Sure Start Maternity Grant as this is my first child. When filling out the form it asks if there's another child under the age of 16 living at your address and my SS lives with us some of the ...

  • Incognito
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  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Would this conversation annoy you

We have a 1yo, he has a 6yo. He asked his 2 friends to go for a dog walk yesterday one childless couldnā€™t as was busy, but the other couldnā€™t as and I quote ā€˜he annoying has to take *** to gymnasticsā€™ I was like 'Wdym annoyingly' and he was like 'well now they've got a baby too, mums staying at home with baby so h...

  • Incognito
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Incognito in Other

Sons birthday

My son turns three this year and SD is due to be at her mums on his birthday because it is the holidays. My partner in relation to this asked me if SD would feel upset that she wasnā€™t here for his birthday and if we should see if she can beā€¦ Why is it about SD and not our son? What about how our son might feel?...

  • Incognito
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  • Incognito

S in Family

BM is an entitled idiot

Sorry for the rant but SD used to live with BM and she received maintenance from my husband every month totalling over Ā£20,000 across the span of time living there. When husband shared that our mortgage was being increased by Ā£600 a month and I was on maternity leave he asked if he could reduce maintenance by Ā£80 a ...

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Incognito in Family

Am i being a AH

Might be abit long winded this as im rubbish with typing stuff out. Iv gone back to work, a mix of part time and full time weeks, the last week has been FT and next week is FT this is my only day off with baby. On saturdays if i dont work my partner will work so i am left with his daughter and our daughter till he...

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