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T in Baby clothes

No shoes…!?

Picked up my bonus son from his mom today…it wasn’t until she put him in my car that I realized he’s not wearing shoes or socks! Always sends him in 2T clothes(he’s 4.5 years old and wears size 6(xs BOYS)). I just don’t understand!

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Incognito in Other

Would this upset you?

Yesterday during my lunch break at work, my husband wanted to go for a walk with the stroller while SS rides his bike. Mind you SS only plays video games and it takes a whole miracle to get out the house. Anyways, almost mathematically every time the baby is in the seat, she poops. So he put her in the seat. I then ...

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Incognito in Family


All of the sudden my 19 year old SS wants to move in with us. I know that it's because he is starting community college and currently at his moms house is sharing a room with his 12 year old brother. At our house he would have his own room. He also has a 21 year old brother who lives with his mom and pays $400 in re...

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Incognito in Family

“am i the asshole”

my husband hates that i force his 7 year old son to be bored. it’s summer break, his son will wake up and be on his tablet or watch youtube tv till it’s time for bed and apparently i’m the only one bothered by this. to prevent this bad habit from going to my daughter i’ve begin intervening. he wakes a 6:30 i make ...

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Incognito in Family

How do you deal with the controlling HCBM??

She has to control everythingggggg and if we set boundaries it causes so much chaos. And it’s little things too that she manipulates and gaslights us on… my 8 year old SD doesn’t spend nights with her and her mom came to pick her up on her Saturday and wanted us to send her with an extra pair of clothes and my husba...

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