The Sleep Deprived 🇬🇧

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A group for the women who need a little nap.

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A in Baby sleep

Totally unscheduled, help! Enough sleep?

My LO is 6.5 months old. His night sleep isn't too bad; Every day he wakes up between 8:30-9am (none of us are morning people) and we open the curtains to get some sunlight and we change his nappy from the evening before. He usually has two wake ups, one between 3-5am and one about 6:30-7am. In both cases I put him ...

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Don’t beat yourselves up

Some of our babies are just poor sleepers and nothing you’ve tried has ‘fixed’ their sleep patterns. All I’ll say is you know your child, the obsession with wake windows and reduced naps and blah blah I’m long passed it(I have a poor sleeper, my son is now 2 and this has been the case from the very start) you know y...

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  • Incognito
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H in Baby sleep

Baby sleep apnea

Has anyone had their baby tested for sleep apnea, who showed all the signs, and they didn’t have OSA or enlarged tonsils and adenoids? What was the outcome? Curious because I’m pushing hard on an ENT referral now because he’s waking a lot, usually with a dry cough from the mouth breathing and has always cocked his...

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Sleep schedule

What is everyone's sleep/nap schedule for their 5 month old? I keep seeing that they should be on 3 naps a day but my little one still have 4 naps

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby sleep


My LO (4 months) has learnt to roll back to tummy and now all he wants to do is sleep on his tummy. Even in a deep sleep, I roll him to his back and he rolls straight back. He doesn’t know how to roll tummy to back yet so I can’t sleep with him constantly rolling. He has a sidecar cot, so I tried to use my body t...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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