The Sleep Deprived 🇺🇸

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A group for the women who need a little nap.

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B in Baby sleep

Help !!!

Please help need advice. I have a three day old that sleeps all day is pretty chill only crying when he needs something. But I am struggling getting him to sleep in the bassinet it’s miserable 😭 he was up all night I get him and let him latch on to me till he falls asleep and I try to put him back in the bassinet an...

  • B
  • B
  • B

M in Baby digestion

Colic cries

I have a 5 week old who is so gassy at night that she’s crying and constantly kicking her legs, swinging her arms around and stiffening up. I tried mylicon drops and changed her formula twice. I stopped breastfeeding for now just to see if it was my milk causing it. I don’t know what else to do. My family is telling...

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Dream feeding

Does anyone do dream feeding? Friends of mine have told me to do it with my daughter to get her to sleep longer. However my baby doesn't seem to take more milk than she wants. I can't get her to take a bottle when she's half asleep, she sticks her tongue out so I can't get the bottle in and spits the milk back out. ...

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C in Baby sleep

When did you start letting your baby sleep through the night?

My husband and I wake our 11 week old every 4 hours at night to feed. I’m sure he can sleep through the night, but our pediatrician told us to continue with MOTN feedings until he’s around 4 months 🥴 (he’s eating great throughout the day and is gaining weight appropriately) One of my mom friends thought that it was...

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Incognito in Baby sleep


I see everyone talking about how their newborns (4+ weeks old) are sleeping over 3+ hour stretches at night and I’m lucky if I get 2 1/2 hours with mine. What am I doing wrong ?

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