The Sleep Deprived 🇺🇸

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The Sleep Deprived 🇺🇸

A group for the women who need a little nap.

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Incognito in Baby loss

Cry it out

I feel the the WORST parent right now. My baby cam is on my phone, I always have it on full volume and facing me before I go to sleep. 6 month old woke needing settled at 11:30pm, came back to bed, woke up at 6am thinking oh he must’ve slept through! Checked the baby cam, and he’d cried himself to sleep twice. The v...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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C in Baby sleep

Daughter up all night

My husband works overnight and our daughter REFUSES to sleep until he comes back. Most days she's asleep before he goes to work but some days not so much and tonight is one of those nights. Does anyone else deal with something like this and how can I get her to calm down. Momma TIRED.

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Routine for a 6month old. FTM

We are desperately struggling with a routine for our son, he is so used to going to bed at 11 pm. That’s what time I would go to bed pregnant,we’ve tried to go earlier than that but it is not working. He used to sleep through the night but is now waking up 3-6 times a night. Hardly naps during the day,because I ca...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Other


This isn’t kid related but for those of you with partners that snore heavily, how do you deal? My husband snores excessively, it’s nothing new. One of us usually ends up in the spare room because of this. I’m not a super heavy sleeper and also, my husband falls asleep almost immediately. Any suggestions for how we c...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

B in Baby sleep

4month old regression help

Hi moms! Any advice for helping my 4month old drop a night feed/ sleep longer? He is capable of going 5-6 hours because he did at 2 months but has regressed back to waking every 2-3 😳

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