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A safe and welcoming environment for LGBTQ+ people who are looking for community.

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H in Groups

Looking for some besties

Looking for some besties to chat with

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K in Other

Snapchat friends?

I could use some snapchat mom friends that understand mom life and LGBTQ+ life!

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Incognito in Making friends

How do you manage being in the closet

Can we talk a bit? I need some encouragement. I am not in the right environment to support coming out of the closet. And I can accept that. But there's nowhere I get to be genuine and open and free. I always have to consider how I'll come across and be aware of who might be watching/listening. I can do it but some d...

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K in Single parents

Coming out

So I finally came out about being gay and have a girlfriend. Most people in my life are really accepting and non judgemental other than my mother.. which as been hard to deal with especially since I live with my parents. But I'm so happy in my relationship and I'm not going to let anyone ruin it for me

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Incognito in Making friends

Flirting with Bestie

Everytime I tell a girl I just want someone to flirt with it’s like it feels impossible to find because they all want to have sex or just a straight friendship. Am I the only one feeling like this or wrong or getting same results as me ?

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