Breech babies

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Breech babies

Babies who were breech! Share your story?

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E in Pregnancy scans

Xray on Hips

I had my baby in March at 39weeks+1day, he was 8lbs 4oz. He has his 4 month appointment this afternoon and has to get an xray on his hips because he was breech. Has anyone else’s baby had to get an xray because of being breech? I’m so nervous for it to happen later today

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C in Other

Breech/small baby by

Hi I wondered if anyone is in the same position as me. I am currently 37+4, my baby is breech, bum down. He has also now fallen below the 10th percentile. The consultant(cover for my normal consultant) last week said his growth rate is still normal growth it has just slowed down slightly (fluids are fine, cord is f...

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B in Premature birth

ECV success

Hello, Just thought I’d post this here to give anyone in a similar situation (extended breech baby, considering an ECV but concerned by some of the horror stories out there) a little boost! My baby girl has been breech from the start - my pregnancy was classified as higher risk than usual so I had monthly growth ...

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A in Premature birth

Big breech baby?

Hi, has anyone had experience with breech baby that is big please? Baby measuring on the 96th percentile so have been offered ECV (at 37+4) with induction then at 39 (if it didn’t happen before that) or straight to elective c section at 39. Im currently 36+3. I know growth scans can be incorrect but she’s always mea...

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V in Premature birth

Breech baby Health

Hi everyone, Does anyone have breech Son/Daughter here? My foetus is currently breech. I am worried about his/her health. Are breech babies born with some health issues?

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