Newborn: sleeping & comfort

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Newborn: sleeping & comfort

please share your tips for newborns 💕 we could all use a little help

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Newborn naps

Hi guys, Im a first time mum and I’m really struggling, I have a boy who is 7 weeks, he sleeps well during the night and wakes up for feeds and will wake up between 8 to 10am. However during the days he really struggles to nap, fights his sleep, and wants to contact nap (which is fine by me ). Although he wants t...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby sleep


Hi mums im new to swaddleing and have a question, I've recently been swaddling my new born and he is sleeping better but my question is when it comes to night feeds do you unswaddle to feed and then reswaddle or feed in the swaddle?

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

E in Baby sleep

sleep training

heeloo please anyone tried sleep training i feel so bad but at the same time i want ger to sleep on her crib independently still with us we co sleep any tips

  • E
  • E
  • E

K in Family

Husband going to work…

My husband begins work tomorrow and we are a bit worried about what the days will look like for us moving forward…. For the SAHM out there, what do you and your partners do? What shifts do you take? My husband works 9-5…. I’m not sure about how I will be able to stay up all that time plus allow my husband to have ...

  • K
  • K
  • K

J in Baby sleep

Sleep when baby sleeps?

I’m struggling to sleep during my newborn’s naps during the day time - does anyone have any tips for sleeping when baby sleeps? I guess it might take time for me to adjust to sleeping in the day because I’ve never really been a daytime napper!

  • J
  • J
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