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please share your tips for newborns 💕 we could all use a little help

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Baby keeps waking up swaddle transition

I’m trying to transition my baby (9 weeks) out of a traditional swaddle (muslin cloth). We did one arm out for 3 days and that worked fine. Now I’m doing 2 arms out and he keeps waking himself up within 5 minutes. It’s not the moro reflex but rather he tends to stretch his arms above his head, arch his back and then...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Baby sleep

Help! Newborn cries himself awake!

My 5 week old will sleep for 30 minutes and then wake up crying loud as if he’s in pain or uncomfortable. I nurse him, swaddle him, change his diaper, and he’ll fall asleep content. Then another 30 minutes to 1 hour later he will wake up crying so loudly. He just had his doctor appointment last week and is doing fin...

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Incognito in Baby sleep

8-9 week old nap length

Should I leave my baby to nap for as long as he wants? My LO went from having micro naps of 30 minute long around six weeks to now having naps for any time between 30 minutes to over two hours at nine weeks. I wake him when he reaches the two hour mark but I wonder if I should let him sleep and wake up on his own. T...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby sleep

Eight week old baby won’t sleep until 10 pm

My baby refuses to be put down before 10 pm from about 6 pm. He starts cluster feeding. Sometimes he falls asleep on me but if I try and put him in his cot, he would wake up and start screaming times. He would just cluster feed all night until about 10 pm when he’s really tired and I’m able to finally put him down i...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby digestion

Crying Baby - I Need Help!!

My little girl will be 6 weeks on Saturday and she's cried every waking moment from 3 days old. The worst tends to start around 4pm and she can be crying for 10+ hours. We've seen the health visitor and GP multiple times but they aren't concerned because she's gaining weight. We've also tried EVERYTHING!!!!! Chan...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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