Newborn: sleeping & comfort

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Newborn: sleeping & comfort

please share your tips for newborns 💕 we could all use a little help

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K in Baby sleep

Sleepsuit / Babygrow

Heya lovely people! FTM here so please be kind ✨ Can someone please explain to me the difference between a sleepsuit and a babygrow as the majority look exactly the same to me? I can't work out if I'm being completely stupid or if they are basically the same things or what?! 😅 TIA xo

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E in Baby sleep

Do you sleep

Be honest do you have a cheeky sleep if ur baby goes for a nap ?!

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D in Baby sleep

Night time mayhem! 😩

My baby girl is 2 weeks old and she is struggling to sleep at night. She feeds all day and sleeps fine in-between but as soon as night time hits she cannot settle. It looks like she is in pain constantly moving her legs and tossing and turning. I have tried infacol the last couple of days but it doesn’t seem to be w...

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S in Baby sleep

Bedtime sleep

I have a 3 week old baby boy who is a dream throughout the day and will sleep after a change and feed with approximately 2-3 wake windows. However, on a night will only settle in the next to me bassinet for around half an hour no matter what we try. We’ve bathed him later, white noise, swaddles etc but not finding ...

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L in Body temperatures

Newborn nighttime clothes

Hey all. What are you dressing your newborn in for bed at night? Room is between 18-20 degrees.

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