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K in Gifting

Honest opinions please

So when covid19 hit. I started making jewelry. I've had some success selling on an online forum but would like to step up my game and make a website or sell at pop up shops and craft shows. But I really want some honest opinions before I venture out . Thanks for your time.

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Incognito in Mental health & wellbeing


Thoughts currently keeping me up at night: How everything is SO unhealthy… i was telling my friend the other day my thoughts on grocery stores. Everything we eat and drink aint popping….. i am so lazy to cook however I dont wanna eat out all the time because who tf knows how clean restaurants are… im truly surprised...

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U in Single parents

I don't know what's wrong with me.

I don't want a partner at all, and I don't know why. I enjoy being alone. I feel like there may be an underlying issue as to why I never want to date anyone.

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S in Common illness

Man flu

Why is it when men are ill they just completely shut down?! My husband is barely communicating, moody & making out like he’s dying. It’s bloody hayfever!!

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Incognito in Other

Partner won’t parent

My boyfriend/ baby daddy doesn’t spend time with his son unless it’s in public he likes to show off his son. Which we rarely ever even go out together. It’s just me and my LO. He works more than me and makes the majority of the money. How do I make him understand and do more without screaming at him to be a father?...

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