Colic Babies

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Colic Babies

A group for mums with babies affected by colic for support, tips of to just let off some steam!

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S in Other

7 week old seems uncomfortable during every feed raising her legs and moving sometimes she’ll stop feeding other times eat faster any idea what this could

Be is it reflux gas ? Im bottle feeding and she’s on comfort milk for one week

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L in Other

Colic products safe for suspected CMPA

Any mumma's on here for any products/remedies that can help my 10 week old with colic? He has a suspected cows milk protein allergy so I know some products aren't the best for him x

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c in Baby digestion

Colic or witching hour

My baby was born at 28 weeks. She spent 102 days in the NICU. Shortly after she came home she had what I thought was a witching hour? She would SCREAM from the hours of 5pm-7pm. She literally does this everyday and tired herself out and basically falls asleep from crying so much. Is this colic or the witching hour? ...

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M in Baby digestion

Is it colic??

Does this sound like a colic cry? My almost 5 week old has started to do this every night for the past week. He is breastfed and has just come off the boob when he started thrashing about and screaming until he exhausted himself to the point he was falling asleep, only to wake up seconds later screaming again. I can...

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Incognito in Baby digestion

When does it get better?

My little girl has colic, she’s 15 weeks and still suffering. The nights are horrendous, she screams for hours and hours. She seems to settle in her pram or car seat but as soon as we’re back in the house the screaming starts again. She has cows milk allergy so I have cut out all diary from my diet as she is mainly ...

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