Toddlerhood 🏁

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Toddlerhood 🏁

A group for moms with toddlers 12months + looking for support, surviving toddlerhood, fun activities ideas and create meaningful friendships with other toddler moms. Meet up for play dates.

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Incognito in Baby milestones

Toddler growling at people?

My 2.5 year old seems to have some issues socially? Anytime we’re out and about if people smile at him, or try to interact with him he’ll scream in their face or growl at them. It’s the same if we go to music/sensory classes, with the class leaders who he’s seen multiple times. Any one have anything similar and how ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

N in Skin conditions

Ringworm on my Toddler?!

My Ped said My little has ringworm but I’m not entirely convinced. It’s either that or something called Numular Eczema! Please tell me everything I need to know about Ringworm please and thank you mamas !

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B in Other

Running off

I have a 12-week-old baby and a nearly 3-year-old. I have always let my toddler walk and he's happy to do so. Today we were at our local field with some friends. Recently he's taken to running off. Not a little way in front where I can see him. But a good mile ahead or in the opposite direction. Today it was a diff...

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C in Baby milestones

Anyone have a 2 year old that bites and pinches?

Hi ladies, My daughter recently decided to throw tantrums with biting and pinching included. Has someone else experienced this and how did you deal with it? I tried not paying attention to the tantrum but it just gets worse smh.

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Incognito in Family

Am I being unreasonable?

So each time I go collect my child from nursery, I have to ask the teachers to top up her water bottle, for the journey home, we live 25-35 minutes away and walk. along with finding things that belong to her n or come back broken - like the water bottles themselves or missing accessories like hat, but has her name i...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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