June 2020 Babies 🇦🇺

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June 2020 Babies 🇦🇺

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B in Other

Toddler years are definitely surprising me

My June born 2020 toddler is beautiful but chaotic, he lights up my world and then immediately slaps me out of my state of bliss (Literally across the face). It’s just a development stage right. As Dory said from Finding memo, just keep swimming.

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C in Childcare

Our 2 year olds

How are all our little two year olds going? I'm curious how many are home full time and how many go to daycare (and how many days)

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B in Breastfeeding

Pain in breast and feeling like crap

Hi, I need help I have a 1 week old. I'm currently breast feeding but feel like I'm failing she is getting enough milk I'm just in pain before and after. One boob feels like it's on fire and it's got a stabbing pain. Currently crying in Mt 2 year olds room scared to tell my husband because I feel like a failure.

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J in Childbirth

Breech at 30 weeks

Hi all, baby number 2 is breech at 30 weeks. I know it's early to worry about but baby number 1 came at 33 weeks and I've elected for a VBAC this time. Does anyone have any tips for turning baby?

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K in Baby sleep

Day naps

Hello ladies 👋 Is anyone else having trouble with the lunch time nap??? My almost 2 year old has started refusing it no matter how much I persist 😔

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