June 2020 Babies šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§

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F in Skin conditions

Eczema strugglesšŸ˜­

Hi everyone! Just wanted some advice for my 3 yr old boy that has eczema! Heā€™s getting really bad flare ups and is in so much pain from the itching and scratching! I donā€™t want to use steroid creams on him and Iā€™m currently using aveeno which used to help but now I feel like itā€™s not helping anymore as his flare ups...

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c in Baby & toddler food

meal ideas

my 3 year old daughter has to have a dysphagia diet (soft foods) due to having disabilities. i need new meal ideas that can be blended to make a puree rather than a thick stodgy mess. my go tos seem to be gravy and beans to make foods more liquidy but i want some new ideas. what does everyone recommend

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Incognito in Other

Global Development Delay

My 3 and a half year old has recently been diagnosed with Global Developmental Delay. He was late walking (27 months) due to hyper mobility in his feet for which we were under a physiotherapist. He is currently under speech & language, although this has improved also in the last 12 months. Compared to this time last...

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Incognito in Family

4 year old playing up

My 4 year old is an only child and has been very spoilt by myself which has come back to bite me. Heā€™s always been such a good child but the last 2-3 he has been a nightmare! Throwing himself on the floor screaming when he doesnā€™t get his own way, biting and hiting, very short temper and very grumpy in general, espe...

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  • Incognito
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Incognito in Potty training

Toilet training

Ladiessss, please help. My son if fully potty trained in the day but at home he refuses to wear pants or trousers and he constantly plays/fiddles. Obviously this is normal and natural but what can I do to teach him not to do it when weā€™re all sat together because heā€™s constantly giving himself a hard on and heā€™ll be...

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