September 2019 Babies 🇬🇧

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September 2019 Babies 🇬🇧

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Incognito in Other

Does anyone Home school in Norwich/Norfolk?

I'm thinking to home school and would love to hear from anyone in my area. I'm currently educating from home and hoping to do this going forward without flexi school if possible. If there are any weekly groups that are beneficial, please feel free to share..

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

H in Family

Angry 4 year old

Has anyone had a very or have a very angry 4 year old? I try to keep her stimulated as much as I can (I'm a single mum working with a 1 year old also) at pre school she's a different kid at home she just seems to hate me. I try to limit her screen time but it causes carnage! Advice needed please 🙂

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N in Single parents

Playtime rejection

There's a bunch of kids play outside my house and I went out with my daughter. She tried to make friends and other than one nice boy who tried to include her they mostly told her to go away and kept running away from her. She didn't understand the rejection and cried. I really felt for her. Just wondering how other ...

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L in Aww

Love it

My beautiful boy made this for his daddy so he wouldn't be sad on his dad's anniversary

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L in Family

Advice on bullying please help

Any mums kids been hit by other kids at nursery I have made them aware how else do I handle this? He says she’s pushing him pulling his hair and has bit him he did have mark on arm. They said they never seen it and they do not play together. He’s been saying same for few weeks now I asked if he plays with her “no mu...

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