October 2019 Babies 🇦🇺

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October 2019 Babies 🇦🇺

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E in Postpartum mental health

Overly emotional child

Is anyone else experiencing a sudden change in behaviour for their child? I’m not sure if it’s because I’m pregnant (and struggling) or if my daughter is going through a phase: she’s suddenly clingy and quick to cry over every little thing… She’s usually really chill, the odd tantrum, but nothing like she’s been in ...

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R in Activities for kids

Asthma Babies

My little one is 1.5yrs and she is too young to be clinically diagnosed with Asthma but the doctor has agreed she has it.. Any of you ladies have any tips? Here is a pic of us relaxing with a bottle while we watch Shrek

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D in Baby milestones

Speech/talking milestones

Hey mums! New to the group. I was curious on how your little ones talking/speech is going? I feel like we are way behind in that milestone. Aurora can say “mummum, ta, Nanan” and just overall babbles but nothing else. She understands yes and no but chooses not to say them.

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E in Baby sleep


Hi! I'm finding a lot of my bubs friends are changing at this age. (15 months) my boy is not walking yet but is close, still on 2 naps. 8 teeth. What are your babes up to?

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