April 2020 Babies 🇬🇧

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L in Activities for kids

Best tablet for 4 year old?

Any recommendations for a tablet for my daughter, she will be 4 next week and we’re going on holiday in May and hoping a tablet will keep her entertained on the flight? We have iPhones so not sure if an iPad would be any good or am I better off getting an Amazon Fire or something? 🤷‍♀️

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Incognito in Baby & toddler food

3 year old won't eat

Hi I am struggling at meal times with my 3 year old. He as been fussy for awhile now with his eating but I always managed to make something he liked eventually but the past few days he is just refusing to eat anything apart from junk snack foods. It's really starting to get me down. He also can't tell me what he wan...

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Incognito in Baby milestones

Still not potty trained

Is anyone's 3 year old still not potty trained due to issues like speech delay and communication problems. My 3 year old as a speech delay and dosnt communicate fully, he can't tell us when he needs to use the potty. He started nursery in September and I always feel judged when ever the teacher mentions he's fil...

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Incognito in Family

Why my kid screaming and crying she use yo be very good girl...

Hi my daughter started to go pres-school and Is look like she is happy but I don't know was happened she starts to scream if i go with her and not with daddy she understands that daddy is at work but she still wanna daddy i try to calm down her but she still scream and when we come Back home from nursery all the t...

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Incognito in Family

3 year old terror!

My 3 year old is behaving really badly and being an absolute terror, nursery have also complained that she hits and bites other children. We have spoken to her ample times but she just doesn’t heed our advice and we cannot seem to control her. She perfectly understands what she’s doing is wrong but doesn’t behave. ...

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