July 2020 Babies 🇬🇧

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July 2020 Babies 🇬🇧

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Incognito in Education

Start of school not gone so well…

How are everyone’s LOs finding starting school? Our little girl has been so anxious since starting, gets so upset going in every day and when anyone mentions school she’s getting very anxious. Starting to get really worried about her. Has been a different child over the half term (much happier and like her normal se...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

J in Potty training

Potty training (LO will only pee in the potty)

I was doing potty training with my 3.5 year old. Within three days he'd cracked it, then a week later suddenly decided he doesn't want to poo in the potty! He wees just fine, hasn't had a wee accident in weeks, but will poo in his underpants right next to his potty despite knowing what to do. He seems afraid of usi...

  • J
  • J
  • J
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S in Baby sleep

need help asap

my daughters started waking up at stupid o’clock in the morning between 1-4 and having a massive meltdown when we tell her to go back to bed. she’s then waking up again between 5-6 and refuses to go back to bed we’ve tried everything but she just screams her head off and bangs her bed against the wall. she’s starte...

  • S
  • S
  • S

N in Making friends

Mums group

So mummy’s let’s get a snap group going where we can all make new mates and chat and interact with other mummy’s

  • N
  • N
  • N

Incognito in Parties & celebrations


Anyone feeling the emotions our babies are 4 this year 😔 (end of July for us)

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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