April 2019 Babies 🇺🇸

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April 2019 Babies 🇺🇸

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S in Parties & celebrations

I think this birthday may be the hardest! 😭

5 is such a transitional age! I could say “preschooler” while he was 4 but now he’s really a kid and not a little guy anymore. He has a whole plan for his party, theme colors, bounce house, food… and even asked that we not tell him when his party is and surprise him that day. Happy 5th birthday to all the other Apri...

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A in Potty training

Potty training

Hi my daughter is 3.5 and still won’t her the potty, any tips please im dying inside as the days go by and im still buying diapers and pull ups.

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J in Baby sleep

Sleep Schedule

Mamas, please share your 3.5 year old's sleep schedules! If they take a nap, what time and for how long? We're seriously struggling with our little guy!

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M in Weekend plans

outside time

heyyy, SAHM how often do you and your LO go outside?

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M in Other

Non stop chewer

Hi mamas! My 2 1/2 year old has a serious chewing problem. This girl will put anything and everything in her mouth. We've gotten her silicone teething necklaces and she just chews on everything but that. I would greatly appreciate any feed back/suggestions on how to curb this behavior. Thank you! Picture of the perp...

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