July 2020 Babies 🇺🇸

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July 2020 Babies 🇺🇸

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B in Baby sleep

when did your baby start sleeping in their toddler bed?

my baby currently sleeps in his bouncer only way he’ll sleep and were scared of putting him in our bed cause of the 4 year old who still sleeps with us often and the play pen is horrible for my back so how soon can i do a toddler bed?

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K in Childcare

Elf on the shelf

I’m not sure if I should do elf on the shelf for my daughter I feel like she would like and is it worth to do it she is also 4 years old to

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B in Baby & toddler food

school lunch ideas !!??

i need quick lunch ideas mostly cold ones but i’ll take hot meals also please

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B in Family

STRONG WILLED STUBBORN KIDS moms tap in please i need advice

my son just turned 4 but has always been very strong willed and stubborn . don’t get me wrong he’s a freaking sweetheart he’s so loving and funny but he’s always had a temper doesn’t always listens and just wants to be the boss and he starts school in September and although he was great in head-start they loved him ...

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A in Parties & celebrations

Can’t believe

I can’t believe my baby girl will be 4 on the 28th let’s see those July babies ( my oldest is also July babies but July 27th)

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