September 2019 Babies 🇺🇸

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September 2019 Babies 🇺🇸

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M in Parties & celebrations

What do you think?

I know it’s super early still, but I’m starting to plan my daughter’s birthday party. We are taking a trip in August so I don’t want to be trying to rush and out things together last minute. With that being said, when do you think is a good time to send out invites? How early would you like to know about a birthday ...

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F in Other

Bitting nails

Hey mamas, my daughter who’s 4 years old is eating her nails, and I painted them and also keep reminder her not to eat them but is not working…any advice

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C in Activities for kids

Need advice for 4 year old toys

My 3.5 year old wants his IPad all the time lately when we’re home. He’s getting bored of his toys. Any recommendations on educational activities/toys for a (4 year old) he acts 4. He’s very outdoorsy/ loves sports, puzzles. He’s not really into arts and crafts.

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R in Parties & celebrations

At what age do you start dropping your kid off?

We got our first classmate birthday party invite. When I was in school my parents would just drop me off and leave. But my kid is only 3 and in preschool so I'm not sure I'm comfortable doing that especially since she's higher support needs and has rescue medicine. I know some venues you pay per person who attends ...

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M in Other

Baby after 3 and a half years

Anyone else? I'm having my second when my first will be 3 and a half. Have you done anything to prepare your little one to now not be an only child?

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