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Incognito in Activities for kids

Hack for toys and messy house

If you have little ones, you know how much of a suffocation hazard plastic bins and plastic bags are! Here is my hack to keeping a clean play room and make cleaning up so much easier for kiddos as well as keeping their playroom organized. Mesh laundry bags for the win! We have them put all their big toys in a toy ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

M in Mental health & wellbeing

Clingy 3 year old

I LOVE my kiddo and spend mostly all day with them, but they want to do EVERYTHING together, no matter what. It's nice for me, but I worry they're not developing the skills/benefits of alone time or solo play. Any tips to get them excited about it?

  • M
  • M
  • M

J in Potty training

Thoughts on cloth diapers?

Has anyone used cloth diapers and preffered them? I'm tired of all the garbage from disposables and how many we went through with our first baby! How many would you recommend having? Any good brands?

  • J
  • J
  • J

B in Potty training

Weight loss

I'm trying to lose 65lbs and am struggling so hard. I have tried multiple diets, exercise and yoga daily but feel like I'm getting no where. Anyone have any tricks?!

  • B
  • B
  • B

N in Pets

Cleaning plush toys?!

What does everyone do to clean plush toys that can’t be put in the washer? Some of them have teethers attached or otherwise cannot be put in the washer, but baby girl is teething and chewing all over them and the tags

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