September 2021 Babies 🇬🇧

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September 2021 Babies 🇬🇧

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V in Baby sleep


Hi, September 2021 be parents. How are you getting on? Just a quick post regarding bedtime. What time do your little ones go to bed? I’m finding that 8 pm is too early as my son will wake up about 4 or 5 am. Ordinarily, this would be good, but it’s too early for him as when is time to get ready for nursery he then w...

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M in Potty training

Potty training - refusing to use public toilets

We've been potty training for 2.5 weeks now and my LG is doing really well. She'll go at home, no problem but she won't use a public toilet even with the childs toilet seat. We take her potty but she also refuses to use it outside the home. She doesn't go at nursery either and will hold it for most of the day. I pic...

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C in Family

Son not joining in football class

We take our 3yr old to a football class each week and it's not going well. He does other classes where he is quite wild and runs round the whole time. But this is the only class where the parents sit at the side and they are expected to listen to the coach and join in on their own. The first couple of sessions he wa...

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M in Other

3 year old pinching her vagina says she’s playing

So she came home from nursery putting toys in her tonight’s against her knickers and saying ‘mummy look look’ to get my attention on what she was doing. I told her to take them out or they would get stinky, she refused so I took them out myself. I then went back to want I was doing and realised shortly after like ...

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M in Sleep & tiredness

33 weeks pregnant - Please let it be over

Literally had enough now. Pregnant with a 3 year old to look after. Acid, no sleep, achey legs, appetite all over, no energy, need I go on. Still possibly 6 weeks left and it's almost unbearable. How did you get through the last month? I started with cramps last night , I know it's early but I just cant cope much lo...

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