Gentle Parenting

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Gentle Parenting

Positive, mindful, conscious and gentle parenting. It’s important that we respond to our babes behavior and emotions the best way we can. Share your tips, experiences, struggles, concerns etc.

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Incognito in Events for kids

How long do you prep your child

If you had an 'event' like hairdresses, dentist, doctors, new situation etc etc how long do you prep with your child to prepare for the event

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  • Incognito

L in Baby milestones

Hitting biting and full meltdowns

Oh my gosh the last few days have been challenging 😥 My two year old has been having massive meltdowns, hitting, biting , throwing things! She’s just hit her brother on the head with a massive train track part and made him cry - then hit herself on the head too ? She’s very emotional and I’m not quite sure how...

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Incognito in Family

Partner is addicted to phone, video games, Reddit, Facebook, etc

My partner is so absent. He's not working or in school. He's supposed to be parenting. But he's not. He's physically there but completely ignoring our child. The space is safe but he's always looking at his phone. I wait until our child is sleeping to use mine. I never let it be more important than our kid. My partn...

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  • Incognito

K in Baby milestones

Toddler hitting

So my 22 m.o. has been hitting more and more recently. It started as just not being able to control himself to now what seems like a deliberate choice. I’ve been trying to teach him to use nice hands, and I know he knows how to do it, but now he’ll just hit while saying “nice”. What has helped your toddlers learn no...

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Incognito in Family

Is divorce over smacking extreme?

We have a 4 year old and have always done gentle parenting but as she has got older and become more boisterous she's started hitting. I do the standard gentle parenting stuff but my husband has decided he's had enough of it and started hitting back. I'll be clear he does not beat her and never smacks hard enough to ...

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