September 2021 Babies 🇦🇺

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September 2021 Babies 🇦🇺

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L in Baby sleep

Nap time / bed time

Any tips or tricks on how to get your child to sleep after taking away the dummy. She is two. Its been 3 nearly for weeks now and its such a struggle. She only ever had it for sleeping.

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K in Baby sleep

Dark circles

Hi there, My daughter is 21 months old. Usually a good sleeper except for weekends.... I noticed she developed faint dark circles under her eyes. She is sometimes very stubborn refusing to sleep despite being sleepy or tired. Is this kind of normal and will just go away on its own.. Has anyone else experienced th...

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M in Other

Constant constipation

My son who is 18 months old has been dealing with constant constipation since he was 6 weeks old. We’ve taken him to the dr, we’ve mentioned it to family and children’s nurse, and even the paediatrician. We give him multivitamins and probiotics and even yogurts that have prebiotics in them. We’ve tried constipation...

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M in Making friends

Wanting mum friends.

Hi ladies! Looking for mum friends, I’m located in South Australia but I’m happy with mum friends from all over Australia 😊

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K in Baby sleep

5.30am wake ups! 😅

Hey all - my little lady is 17 months, teething heaps, and constantly waking up at 5.30am!! I try putting her back down, I’ve tried bongela, cuddles, and at a last resort mill - but she is just up! Anyone else having this issue - and how have you got them back to sleep? 🤷‍♀️

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