April 2020 Babies 🇨🇦

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April 2020 Babies 🇨🇦

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J in Baby sleep

Does anyone else still have to rock their little to sleep?

We’ve always struggled with his sleep, and I’m pretty sure I’ve talked about it before. I know a big part of it is his eczema but even now that we’ve gotten it under control we’re still struggling. He refuses to self soothe and fall asleep on his own. If he’s awake in his crib he will scream bloody murder until he t...

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J in Baby & toddler food

Spitting out food

Does anyone else's toddler just chew food and spit it out, even food she really likes 🙈 I know it's likely a phase but just really drives me nuts!

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N in Making friends


Interested in meeting other mamas who are within the same age group as my kiddos💓!! Play dates needed!

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B in First trimester worries

Please tell me I’m not crazy

I would be somewhere between 8-10dpo and I really feel like I see something.

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r in Baby travel products

Toddler carrier (Vancouver)

Hi, I'm not sure if I'm aloud to ask but I don't have much money to buy a carrier! I was wondering if any mom had an extra one or one they are not using? My son is 21 months and is about 26 lbs. I start school soon and I have to bring my son to daycare but not sure how the weather is gonna be like. I can't use a str...

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