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A group for those who had a C-section, are planning a C-section and those who want to learn more about it.

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Incognito in C-section

Elective C section vs vaginal

I think if they told you the risks with a vaginal like they do a c section there would be a lot more c sections. All my friends went “natural” and are suffering whereas I’ve had 2 sections and I’m more than ok..

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Struggling to go to the toilet

I had a section 9 weeks ago and struggled for weeks to go to the toilet. I am exclusively breast feeding too. Things started moving but I’m still not going as often and struggle some days. Is anyone else having this issue?

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Pregnancy termination

Nothing is going the way I wanted 😔

My perfect little baby boy came into the world October 29th. After 15 hours of labor I was rushed back for an emergency c section under general anesthesia. It was extremely traumatic. I missed his birth entirely and when I finally woke up and was brought to him they wouldn’t let me hold him right away. I really want...

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Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms


So for a week now I’ve had pain that if something touches my belly even pants it stings like nettles, some times I feel a sharp pain if I move or anything! Tonight I’ve started to feel pain on my right side above my hip. Has any experienced anything like this

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  • Incognito

Incognito in C-section

Elective C Section Chat

Can someone please give me any information on what might be brought up next week in terms of risks/or consultant trying to put me off an elective? I have a chat next week re an elective and I don’t want to be surprised about anything that is said. I want to go in there strong minded 🤣

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