October 2021 Babies 🇺🇸

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October 2021 Babies 🇺🇸

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A in Baby milestones


My son won’t stop spitting on himself and will randomly spit at others/animals?? I showed him how to do it so he wouldn’t be swallowing toothpaste while brushing his teeth and now it’s just out of control and he does it all the time. He doesn’t do this in a malicious way it almost seems like it’s funny to him. How c...

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s in Other


My toddler doesn’t like to have any milk. I really want him to drink at least one time in a day. Can someone please suggest any idea or recommend any milk mix./ milk cup

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M in Potty training

Potty training

Help! I have no clue what to do. I just need tips on helping potty train! I’m about to have another baby in about 2 weeks so I wanna get a jump on the potty training

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A in Skin conditions

Recurring Impetigo

Has anyone else dealt with a case of impetigo that keeps clearing up but then coming back? Back in May we took my daughter to Great Wolf Lodge. I bathed her both times we went to the water park but alas 2 days after we got back she came down with a suspicious rash in her armpit. Her pediatrician said it was impeti...

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Incognito in Baby sleep

It takes my toddler an hour to fall asleep for nap

It doesn’t matter how early he wakes up or how long between wake time & nap. It always takes 45min to an hour. I lay with him until he falls asleep & I simply can’t do it anymore. I’m due with Baby #2 in a little over a month & this just isn’t sustainable. Any ideas? I am not interested in any form of parenting that...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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