October 2021 Babies 🇺🇸

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October 2021 Babies 🇺🇸

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O in Making friends

I’m new to the app and just wanted to say hey!

I’m a mom of 3. I have a 3 year old daughter and 2 sons; 2 years old and 8 months old. Say hey and how many kiddos you have and let’s make friends!

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K in Activities for kids


My almost 3 year old started gymnastics this past week. From other peoples experience, how long did it take your toddler to really start listening & following instructions? My son has never had to follow instructions from anyone other than parents & grandparents so he’s been having a tough time paying attention to t...

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K in Baby sleep

Tips to get 3yr old sleeping through night again!

My son slept through the night mostly until about two weeks ago. We had another baby 6 weeks ago and then he stopped wearing his swaddle blanket to bed (he just always liked it) so now he’s started a new habit in his biological clock to wake up between 3-5am every single day. Last night he got up at 11pm and then 2a...

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A in Pregnancy termination

Help guys !

So I never had any problems getting pregnant, I got pregnant so easily, but after my 3rd child it seems so hard I’m actually working on my fourth child since January of this year. I’m still not pregnant I don’t know what changes after my last child. Is there something I could take or keep trying ? Help !!!🥲

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A in Relationships

.. relationships

I hate my relationship!

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