My Mother In Law Said What?!

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My Mother In Law Said What?!

This is for all the ladies who want to share all the crazy things their Mothers In Law have said and done and to get advice on how to handle them!

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Incognito in Other

Petty or justified?

I went out to lunch with my In-Laws today. When we got to their house to collect them (taking 1 car made more sense), my MIL passive aggressively asked how my 20 week scan went. I told her that I didn’t have my 20 week scan (I did but was intentionally withholding that information). She told me that my partner had ...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

MIL complained about her in-laws but basically described herself 😂

I can’t stand my MIL and try to avoid as much as possible. The past year or so I have been grey rocking during any visits and had not been to their home in over 12 months. Well….unfortunately I couldn’t avoid a visit to them any longer as my husband had been badgering me saying “my parents have been asking when can ...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

do you think i’m being sensitive for holding a grudge?

so back story my mom died and then my grandma died a month later and this happened 9 days after my grandma. we where at dinner with my husbands family and his mom mad a rude comment starting to make fun of people who pray which i don’t care your belief it’s just rude and then she started to say oh i hope this person...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

MIL wants hair extensions for 2 year old…

I think this is a cultural thing. My MIL is African and she called me on my daughter’s birthday (she turned 2) while we are on vacation in Africa. And she told me to go and get her hair done with loads of stash and hair extension to take nice pictures of her turning 2 years old.. I’m British and wants to be open to ...

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Incognito in Family

White noise machine

So my two children (2 and 4 years) have used a white noise machine since they were babies and both love it, sleep really well with it. My husband hates it with a passion but he can only sleep whilst listening to a podcast. ( which I believe is just the same thing!) I don’t mind it, it really doesn’t bother me. A wee...

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  • Incognito

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