My Mother In Law Said What?!

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My Mother In Law Said What?!

This is for all the ladies who want to share all the crazy things their Mothers In Law have said and done and to get advice on how to handle them!

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Incognito in Pregnancy termination

Health visit

So health visitor came, which was is supposed to be just me, my bf and her. But my bfs mum decided to come down half way and sit and talk about her pregnancy’s etc etc. and then I told the health visitor that I didn’t want visitors, and she said “what not even me? I can’t visit?” And I said no, I just want it to be ...

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Incognito in Postpartum mental health

Am I just hormonal or would you be pissed off too?

So we are visiting my MIL in Milan. Today we walked over 5km to the park she wanted to see my 19 month old play at. I am 30 weeks pregnant and it’s 35 degrees. Whatever it’s for my kid. We are trying to find a place to eat and my toddler is having a meltdown I have to carry her in the heat- we can’t reach the restau...

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Incognito in Relationships

Condescending MIL

Prior to getting pregnant my husband and I worked out a financial plan that allowed me to stay home with the baby. I worked in childcare so putting my child in daycare to watch other people’s children didn’t make much sense. He made more than enough to cover bills and have money to spare. We decided to upgrade my ca...

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Incognito in Family

MIL wants to go to birthday party

I'm back again, already. I got some useful advice last time. I'm hoping for more. So my daughter got her first birthday party invite (she's 2). It is from one of my clients who we've made a professional friendship. She expects my daughter, husband and I. It is her first birthday party invite, now my MIL is livid sh...

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Incognito in Other

Anxious mum probs

Me and my partner are NOT getting on atm. He does nothing for our little one and isn’t working atm. Starts a new job next week thank god but everything is just going tits up to be quite frank We’ve just had yet another row about his parents. They’re really nice people but have overstepped boundaries a couple of time...

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