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A safe place to share teething tips, ask for advice, or vent about your teething baby! I will try to add visuals and articles for more knowledge!

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Incognito in Teething

Teething discomfort worse in the evening?

Is this a thing? My little boy is 5 months, and wakes up fine…by the end of the day is gnawing on anything he can, fussy, dribbling. I give him Calpol, anbesol liquid and teething toys which help. Curious if anyone else notices it’s worse later in the day?

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K in Teething

Teething for over a month but still nothing

My daughter is almost 8mo and got her bottom two teeth when she was just shy of 6mo. For the last month, she has been having all the signs of teething again (rashy cheeks, fussy, not sleeping well, chewing on everything, drooling like crazy, and swollen gums). She even has had slits in her top gums for the last two ...

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H in Other

6 months and teething

My 6 month old little boy is teething. Both his bottom teeth are coming through. He’s always been such a chilled easy going, always laughing baby. But recently (understandably) he’s being very fussy and unsettled. He’s fine during the night. He’s always slept through and still does. However he has started growling a...

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Incognito in Teething

Brushing teeth

How are we able to brush our little fighters teethies? I don’t want to distress him and give bad associations with a toothbrush but he won’t let me touch him and I’m paranoid about his teeth going horrible 😟

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Incognito in Baby products

14 weeks and teething?

Hello, I have a 14 week baby boy and he is showing signs of teething (dribbling, chewing, face rubbing ect) and I am trying to help him but a lot of teething products say 5months+ so I’m not sure what I can use for this😖 we are using the Ashton and Parsons teething gel but it doesn’t come out of the tube very well s...

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