M in Baby names
Baby Boy Names
Hiya! We have found out we are expecting baby boy number 2! We already have a Freddie but have no clue on a second boy name! Please help with suggestions!🤣🙈
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For when you need inspiration or need help deciding, us mums have got it covered 💁♀️
M in Baby names
Hiya! We have found out we are expecting baby boy number 2! We already have a Freddie but have no clue on a second boy name! Please help with suggestions!🤣🙈
Incognito in Other
Looking for boy names that sound nice with Neave tia x
H in Baby names
Is it weird to use the name Rafael/Raphael if we have no Italian or Spanish links in our families?
Incognito in Other
36 weeks pregnant and we are really struggling with boys, as an older mummy to be a lot of my friends have had boys and took names I like. I also spent 15 years in childcare so know of a lot of children. Any suggestions would be great 🙂
Incognito in Other
Would be nice to keep it 4 letters aswell but doesn’t have to be. Really stuck on second baby boy name! Thanks 🙏🏼