October 2021 Babies 🇦🇺

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October 2021 Babies 🇦🇺

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A in Cribs & beds

Transition to big bed

How has everyone transitioned their toddlers to big bed? We tried a few months ago with a cot conversion but she just kept getting out of bed. We will need her cot back for her baby sister in about 4-5 months but now she is tall enough to open her own door I’m scared she’ll just keep walking herself outside at bed a...

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M in Family

Social anxiety- 22 month old

My 22 month old is having a lot of social anxiety recently. When we go to playgroups or any group lessons, he cries, doesn’t want to be there and bolts for the door. He goes to daycare one day a week, and does this before drop off as well, but eventually calms down when we leave and has a great day. Very social wi...

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C in Baby sleep


How long is your October babes day sleep?

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Incognito in Teething


Does anyone else feel like they are DROWNING as a parent at the moment. My daughter has started having very very big emotions… some times they occur and I don’t even know what’s triggered them but she’s throwing herself on the floor tugging at my legs screaming. She used to be so happy? I feel so lost. She is curren...

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Incognito in Baby movement

Stand or walk?

I keep seeing that babies should be standing independently before they walk…or they learnt o do this before walking . Is it possible for them to walk before standing ? Eg if they are cruising around furniture then just let go and walk ?

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