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J in Other

3 year old having horrible tantrums

I use to think the terrible 2s were bad. I feel my son got worse after turning 3. He gets frustrated with toys and starts getting angry and throwing stuff. I've been stressed out lately. Has anyone been experiencing the same thing 😮‍💨hoping he will slow down on his anger soon.

  • J
  • J
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S in Single parents

Tired of being single

I need to find a life partner but I'm never going anywhere other than work and my kids school. Where did you guys meet your husband or SO? What's the best place to meet a reliable men?

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Does your toddler still nap?

If either yes or no, what’s your schedule like? From morning to night?

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

M in Fertility treatments

Having trouble to conceive

so i had my first of course almost 3 years ago. me and my husband have been having trouble conceiving. we have been trying two years. is this normal?

  • M
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A in Baby sleep

Anyone else's nearly 3 year old doing this?

Our little guy who turns 3 in late November has been staying up super late every night for weeks now. Just got him to go back to bed, it 10:10 pm now and his bed times at 7. He doesn't nap during the day either. Hasn't since he was maybe a year and a half. He wake up shortly after I put him down for bed super groggy...

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