November 2021 Babies 🇦🇺

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C in Teething

Toddler’s aversion to brushing his teeth #help

My toddler HATES brushing his teeth despite all of the different brushes, times of day, songs we sing etc. Any tips?

  • C
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B in Baby sleep

Sleeping change after surgery

Hi! My 2yo had his tonsils out about a month ago and the recovery has been horrific. He isn’t in any pain now, but his sleeping is terrible! Before the op he would sleep 12hrs most nights…… now I’m lucky if he sleeps 3. Any advice would be so appreciated, I’m exhausted!

  • B
  • B
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Incognito in Teething

Dental pain and clean while pregnant

Hi, so I am 6 weeks pregnant with baby no 2 and have been having very senditive teeth and occasional pain as well. is it something that will go away after first trimester? I have been maintaining good oral hygiene. I called a dentist and they sais it is not recommended to get any dental work done in first trimester...

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  • Incognito

R in Potty training

Toilet Traning

HELP please Little Miss almost 2 has decided she wants to use the toilet. I am so NOT ready for this I need suggestions and recommendations please Potty or step and child seat on toilet. Hubby and I have different views and opinions.

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Incognito in Baby milestones

Toddler Daddy Meltdowns

Does anyone elses toddler lose their minds, cry, scream and go to pieces when their partner gets home? My son is doing it daily and we don't know why. I read that doing more one on one time with Daddy will help but does anyone have any other suggestions?

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