Weightloss & Support!❤

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Weightloss & Support!❤

A group to share your weightloss journey, wether you're a beginner or an expert, give and receive support/advice. NO JUDGMENT! all are welcome! Weekly Sunday Weight-Ins starting MARCH 7TH!❤

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K in Other


how do you eat when you’re always worried about going over your calories and your husband doesn’t know how to go grocery shopping? I know I should be eating better, but I don’t even know how.

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Incognito in Weight regulation

Weight loss

Are there any free weight loss coaches or people to help you? It’s sad when you want the help and someone to talk to but you can't have it because you have to choose between bills and your health.

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Other

Muscle growth

Look at my little baby biceps popping through!

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Incognito in Weight regulation

Starting today

Hi, I'm just venting and putting my thoughts out into the world. I'm so tired of being unhealthy and how I've let myself go. I'm tired of all the health problems and scares that have come with it. But I am taking back control starting today. Calorie deficit with healthy food + exercise. I need this so bad, for the s...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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R in Fitness

Worked out while my babe watched

I went to my friend's home gym today. It's such a nice gym!! And my daughter sat in her little chair and watched me. Ohhh my.. the work out got so hard and I just looked at my lil girl and she gave me the motivation to keep squatting. I definitely recommend taking your kid with you when you work out.

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