Weightloss & Support!❤

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Weightloss & Support!❤

A group to share your weightloss journey, wether you're a beginner or an expert, give and receive support/advice. NO JUDGMENT! all are welcome! Weekly Sunday Weight-Ins starting MARCH 7TH!❤

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M in Other

Weightloss surgery

Has anyone gotten weight loss surgery with a bmi of 37?

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Incognito in Other

Struggling to lose the last bit...

Anyone have helpful hints? I have lost 34 lbs from my heaviest. I need to lose 6 more to get to my goal weight. I have hit a plateau anyone have any suggestions? I exercise 6 days a week and try to eat well but just can't seem to get the scale to move.

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

B in Weight regulation

My progress and how I did it (sorry kinda long)

I am super proud of how far I’ve come and still have more progress to make. I still have my days that I feel insecure because regardless of how much weight I lose my body will never be the same as my pre pregnancy body. That’s something I’ve had to come to terms with. I have loose skin on my belly and my body holds ...

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S in Weight regulation

Who's been attempting to fast to lose this weight !? And also completely changing your diet 360!?

Help?? Support?

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K in Other

Accountability Group?

Is anyone interested in creating/joining a Snapchat Weight loss accountability group with me? I was thinking we could keep each other accountable through messaging each day for check ins. If you’re interested, drop your Snapchat and I’ll add you!

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