NICU/Preemie Mamas

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NICU/Preemie Mamas

A space for moms with little NICU warriors. Born before 37 weeks with a stay in the NICU. Because sometimes you just need someone else to GET IT.

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Incognito in Baby loss


Morning mamas, my little one was born at 35 weeks , and we stayed in NICU due to extremely high levels of bilirubin, I actually almost lost her. And was instructed to prepare myself for the worse and inform my partner. Unfortunately we had separated and he refused to come to NICU and I hasn’t thought about any of ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Formula

5month still in nicu

hi my boy was born aug 2nd and was 2lbs 9oz @28wk 3days now i moved him to childrens (arriving he weigh8lbs) hes now 5months (adjusted 2month) weighing 13lbs 11oz ! hes ng and by mouth 150ml is his max they claim he wont eat much at night hes tired! but day drink full feeds. i keep push for NG CLASS to bring him hom...

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Incognito in Baby sleep


My little girl was born 34+4 she’s now 8 weeks old (nearly 2 weeks corrected) she still sleeps majority of the day and is still only going 3-4 hours between feeds including throughout the night is this normal because she was born early? We’ve started to get longer wake windows in the day but not huge amounts maybe 3...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
1 likes,6 comments

A in Postpartum mental health

It's been over a year....

Hello, fellow NICU mama here. My baby was born last year and has been out of the NICU for over a year. We had a 39 day stay and it was the absolute toughest time of my life. I feel like I haven't really dealt with it. I've had such a different experience than everyone around me that I just feel alone in what I went ...

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P in Postpartum mental health

Monitor Anxiety

Our little girl has just been taken off the monitors without the nurses/doctors discussing it with me. She's had some dips in her heart rate and I'm now super anxious and feel like I can't leave her side in case the worse happens. Any advice on how to help my anxiety?

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