Implantation Bleeding, Yes or No?

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Implantation Bleeding, Yes or No?

A group to help women to figure it out! YES you heard right, I created this group to help other women find out if you have spotting in between periods, implantation bleeding or if annoying AF showed up! 🙄 Here you can post your images and hopefully will be able to find help and answers in any question you might have in regards to your spotting question.

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Incognito in Other


I’m 5 dpo why is my lh going up Like this when it was down help

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Incognito in Other


I’m 3dpo Is this ovulation tests supposed to be dark like th8s

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Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms

Implantation bleeding or period

Me and my partner have been trying to get pregnant for a while now, and I’ve been having some symptoms I’m just wanting to know if this is implantation bleeding or period as I am due on soon🫣😔😔

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Incognito in Sex during pregnancy

Pregnant after period

My period ended on the 1st and we had sex on the 2nd. My fertile days start today & yesterday when I went to the toilet and wiped twice I had brown discharge. I haven’t had any since then. Only time I have ever had this was when I found out I was pregnant with my first but it was after me ovulating. This is so out...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms

Is this implantation bleeding or my period coming? TTC DPO10

Hi, I’m 10DPO today and I spotted on 7DPO but it stopped and I tested on 8DPO which is negative and then again this morning and it was negative. Since then I’ve had more spotting. I’m just wondering is this implantation bleeding or my period, I’m due on the 13th or 14th

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