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Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms

Can't stop worrying 😔

I am around 5+4. Last week I had some very pale pink spotting (around size of 20p on a panty liner) I put it down to implantation as it is known to happen around 4 weeks, and my tests were still getting stronger. Yesterday while at work I had a little more pinkish spotting and some brown later in the day, again only...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

E in Pregnancy scans


Hi Angels! I cant stop myself testing with pregnancy tests. Ive had 3 previous losses. 2 of them being a MMC. And im so paranoid with this 4th pregnancy. Nothing has told me i need to worry. However my mind is just running wild. Me and my husband have agreed not to have a scan until 8 weeks, im currently 5+5 atm. ...

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E in Sleep & tiredness

Restless legs

Im 5 +3 weeks and im suffering with restless legs! I cannot seem to make them comfy. Feel heavy and irritable and crampy. Anyone else experiencing this?

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M in Morning sickness

First Trimester Nausea

I’m 9 weeks and I just feel sick all the time. I can get down some fluid and my meds but if I’m not drinking I feel sick. I seem to be able to stomach stodgey foods but half an hour later nausea is back and acid reflux. I’m living mostly on fluids. Any ideas? I’m trying to avoid meds if I can. I’ve been taking gavi...

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Incognito in Other

Cold meal-deal sandwiches

Is it safe to eat cold chicken and stuffing sandwiches in early pregnancy? I’ve just bought one from Tesco and now I’m panicking because Google is saying this can carry bacteria. Any advice?? TIA

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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