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K in Pregnancy test results

Faint lines or negative/ positive ??

Took the top test today and after 20 min that faint line came up and the second test was yesterday and that line came up within 30 min of taking test. Is this false negatives ? It would be about 11 days if we conceived. Please help.

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S in Other

Little dots on backs of arms

Anyones little ones or themselves get these little dots on the back of your upper arm? Hes had them for awhile and doctor said its a genetic thing and not a ton can be done. Ive also heard gluten allergy online but 🤷‍♀️ My husband did have them too but think itll come and go 🤔 so curious. I just feel bad not mak...

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V in Baby travel products

Stroller help!✨

Recommendations of forward facing strollers that fold small? we’ve been using the Ickle bubba v3 but it takes up a lot of room in my car boot! And now Lana is 9 months I want something easy! Tia ✨

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L in Pregnancy test results

Dark line

Hi 4 weeks, does the dark line on the pregnant test mean twins?

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N in Other

Going back to work

Any Moms go back to work yet or getting ready to go back to work after maternity leave? I’ll be going back in the beginning of February and I am so anxious.

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