January 2022 Babies 🇺🇸

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Incognito in Family

I’m always the blam just a rant a long post alreat

My son is two and before he was born before he can walk I will always tell his dad to get in the habit of putting his gun up and away but no he leave it out ever where and anywhere so the gun was under the bed my 2 year old got a hold of it and I was in the room but I didn’t see him walk in or out the room he brough...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

K in Pumping

Breast Pumps

Pregnant with baby#2 and trying to figure out what breast pump to get through insurance this time. I have the Elvie Stride and Pumpables Genie Advanced. I love my Pumpables Genie Advanced. I’m looking at a Spectra or the Baby Buddha. Does anyone have the Pumpables and Baby Buddha and can let me know if they are very...

  • K
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  • K

V in Baby sleep

Anyones toddler waking up a lot at night ?

I’m having trouble with my 2 year old he’s been making up at 4 or 5 in the morning screaming crying like if he’s in pain I ask him what’s wrong and nothing he stop screaming and goes back to sleep almost like either he’s having a bad dream or something is hurting him because crying but with his eyes closed …. I give...

  • V
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J in Potty training

Potty Training

My daughter is 2 1/2 years old and we had her almost fully potty trained by 16 months. The only thing that we honestly struggle with is pooping in the toilet. She’s now at the point that she can tell me she has to go poop and wants a diaper change but fights me if I try to put her on the toilet to try. I was also ho...

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S in Other

Spitting Stage?

Any one else's 2 and a half year old spitting? I thought it was a stage.. but its been like 2 months. Spits when he's mad. Spits when he is bored. Spits to try to be funny. I think sometimes he spits without realizing. Its like its just something he has to do. Normal stage? Im tired of getting spit on and having t...

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