February 2022 Babies 🇺🇸

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February 2022 Babies 🇺🇸

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K in Baby sleep


Anyone else’s baby still not sleep through the night? I’ve truly tried everything and now I’m a single mom and haven’t had a full night sleep in truly over 2 years. My daughter wakes up multiple times a night crying and we’re up by 5 in the morning for the day. The doctor scoffed at me when I mentioned a sleep study...

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Incognito in Baby swimming

Pool floaties/life vests

So I plan on taking my twins swimming this summer but I have no idea what kind of floaties/life vests to get for them. What is everyone else using for their 2yo? They've never been in a pool before so this is gonna be a new experience for them.

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Incognito in Other

My 2 year old kicks me while I change his diaper

I have almost given up on trying to change his diaper. Is this a normal phase? I’m about to just start potty training whether he likes it or not because I can’t take it anymore 🥲Do pull ups make it easier? I don’t understand the purpose to be honest I don’t get the difference between the two or if it will make the s...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

J in Travel with kids

Packing for an out of the country trip

I’m going on vacation for 6 weeks with my toddler (2 years old) and I need to know what would your list look like for travel.

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K in Careers


I saw an advertisement for stay at home mom jobs. You wash others laundry. Wash, dry, fold, and send back. You get paid for it, but I’m not sure if it’s worth it. Does anyone on here do that and is it worth it?

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