February 2022 Babies šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø

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L in Other

Sleepless Nights

Hey mommas, does your little one sleep well at night? My daughter wakes up so many times a night, unless she's sleeping in our bed. But then she kicks while she's sleeping and we can't sleep either... We are so tired. šŸ˜…

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B in Other

How do you deal with tantrums/kicking?

I have an extremely energetic and active 2.5yo that just has too many things she wants to do during the day and if you interrupt her she throws a tantrum. Any mentioning of the word ā€œnoā€ or even a normal conversation such as ā€œyou canā€™t have ice cream now but if you eat lunch you can have it for desertā€ just trigger ...

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Incognito in Potty training

Kids dad buying stuff you told him not to

My kids father and I live separately. Our 2 year old is going through a ā€œ explore himself phaseā€ he literally whips it out and pees everywhere. Especially when he is in bed and on his way to sleep. He loves to pee out the cracks of his crib and even pour his milk out. Iā€™ve removed his rug from his room and told his ...

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Incognito in Baby milestones

Hitting and behavior

I canā€™t seem to understand if my toddler is within the normal or abnormal range with his behaviorā€¦.. Iā€™m starting to worry. Should I bring it up with his dr ? He hits and throws like crazy. Iā€™ve already gotten a corneal abrasion twice and almost broke my nose from him throwing hard objects. Lol. He hits his brothe...

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  • Incognito
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R in Baby sleep


Does anyone have any tips on how to get my almost 2 and half year old to stop taking the pacifier? Heā€™s so addicted šŸ˜­ I can see it affecting his teeth already and he screams if we donā€™t give it to him when he wants one

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