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Incognito in Bilingual babies

Forms Spanish

En donde puedo encontrar "Statement of Consent for Issuing a Passport to a Child form" el papel en español del permiso para sacar un passporte americano a mi Babe

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Teething


I think my baby is about to have her teeth, could someone give me some advice?🙏🏻

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

C in Food & cooking


What do you take to a cookout if I work until 630 and they’re trying to meet up at 4-5 , and they have all the main dishes already set? Thank I’m advance!!!

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  • C
  • C

A in Parties & celebrations

Cumpleaños en Octubre ?

Has nothing to do with babies but I was just wondering if anyone or their baby has a birthday this month because my birthday is on the 16th🎂 & I was just wondering if anyone else in this group had that in common ❣ HAPPY HALLOWEEN🎃 & Fall y'all👻

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L in Bilingual babies

Bilingual babies

Hiiii Any other mommies planning to teach their baby their native language ? I plan to teach my baby Spanish but ya girl is struggling over here 😭 I was born in the Dominican Republic so Spanish is my first language but I moved to the US when I was in 1st grade so English has become my predominant language ( I can...

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