March 2022 Babies 🇺🇸

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M in Potty training

I need potty training advice

My daughter is basically non verbal so my attempts in the past have failed with potty training her she’s only 2 but she’s already in the last size for pull ups and it’s got me stressing now..need advice on timing…my daughter only has a tell when she poops and I only catch it sometimes should I have her sit every hou...

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Incognito in Potty training

Potty training 2 year old.

Has anyone potty trained? I just started today with my daughter and I don’t know how to feel. I just want to give up lol 😭😭 she’s so smart but she keeps having accidents and then comes to me and says she peed herself. But like how can I get her to realize she needs to pee before she just does it on herself?!?

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A in Baby sleep

bed time struggles

my 2 year old son (28 months) is still struggling to transition from crib to bed after over a month and a half of trying. He sleeps in the bed but gets out a hundred times before he actually goes down for real. We’ve tried so many different things but to no avail. Any advice?

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Incognito in Baby milestones

2 year old hitting and pinching

My 2 year old girl is terrible at pinching and hitting ATM, I recall my 3 year old son did it for a phase but this seems worse. Any advice on how to deal with it, I've tried not reacting and just saying no but she just laughs and does it more. It usually takes me getting annoyed and raising my voice for her to stop,...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby sleep

Getting out of bed

Help!! My daughter (28 months) has been getting out of her big girl bed lately. She used to be such a good sleeper but for the past month, she has been getting out of her bed because she wants to sleep in our bed. We transitioned her to her big girl bed in March and she did great with it. But lately we struggle putt...

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