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Sleep regression mamas

After speaking to a few mums on here about our struggles of month 4, I thought it would be nice to have a specific place to share our experiences and offer support for others.

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Incognito in Baby sleep

4 Month Sleep Regression

My daughter started the 4 month sleep regression the week after she turned 4 months. She is now 6 months and showing no signs of getting out of it. Initially her night time sleep wasn't affect only her day time naps that would only last 20 or 40 minutes. But now she is up a minimum of 3 times during the night. I h...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Baby sleep

Back to sleep

My LO is 19 weeks. As a NB he could sleep through the night. Now he wakes after 4 hours or two. He does not go back to sleep well. He cries and either needs to be fed, rocked, shushed, pacifier etc. More and more he needs to be fed and will fall asleep on the breastfeeding pillow and then if we can’t make the transf...

  • S
  • S
  • S

Incognito in Baby sleep

am i doing something wrong?

My baby is 7.5 months and he’s now refusing to nap in his cot (screams like no other) he’s also now getting up so so much during the night, some nights are better than others but sometimes upto 6 times a night then up for the day at 4/5am! He used to be a 6 to 6 type of baby with sometimes waking for a feed at 4am....

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

J in Other

Please help!

My LO turned 4 months this week. He’s breast fed. A month ago he slept through 2 nights and since then his sleep has been awful! He’ll sleep for a solid 3/4 hours and then wakes up for a feed every hour and half after. He goes back to sleep easy, he just wakes a lot throughout the night. Before this started he ...

  • J
  • J
  • J

Incognito in Baby sleep

10 mo wakes up at 5AM

Anybody can tell me what am I doing wrong ? My 10 mo is woke up at 5 today and also on Sunday (not yesterday tho). He was never a good sleeper but I could always put him back to sleep till 7 or 8. He is having 2 naps during the day. Schedule of his naps depends of his wake up time and first nap duration. He always...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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