Sleep regression mamas

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Sleep regression mamas

After speaking to a few mums on here about our struggles of month 4, I thought it would be nice to have a specific place to share our experiences and offer support for others.

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L in Baby sleep

Baby wont sleep

How did you start getting your baby into a sleep routine and how young were they when you started? My baby is literally up from like 9am till 1am at night? Need help

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Incognito in Baby sleep

8 month regression tips

I’ve posted in a few groups but I don’t seem to be getting any luck and I’m getting so desperate 😣 Little one has turned 7.5 months old and had a cold a few weeks back. Ever since she’s been a nightmare with sleep and I think it’s coincided with the regression 😩 She used to prefer being put down drowsy and put her...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby sleep

4 month sleep regression tips

I believe we have hit the 4 month sleep regression with our little lady and I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice/ tips based on experience. She's reduced her naps to 30 mins, which is fine, but it takes an hour or two to get her to give in and nap 😂 🤦 But at night time it seems to take her so long to get to ...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

C in Baby sleep

4 month sleep regression. Help.

Baby is 5 and half months. She used to sleep 7-7 waking once or twice a night to feed. She is EBF. Current routine before regression was go to bed at 7pm and she would feed to sleep till 2-3am Now i take her up at 7pm feed her put her down asleep, immediately wakes up. Goes on the other boob, feeds to sleep. Put he...

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Incognito in Other

Sleep regression?

I m so so confused and hopeless:( My baby 5and half months old and she was a very good sleeper Expecially in the night but this week been a nightmare and I really don’t know if it’s sleep regression or something else . She waking up sometimes in the middle of the night and so so hard to settle her back . If your bab...

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