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💗 Potty Training Tips for Toddlers - Support Group

Potty Training Help & Advice from Miss Jen - Professional Potty Training Coach with 39+ years of experience. 👶

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E in Other

Potty training with pull ups

Has anyone successfully potty trained a 2 nearly 3 year old boy with pull ups before going to pants, as I hate the idea of potty training without pants especially when my living room is carpet

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H in Potty training

Seat for boys

Our son has started to show an interest in potty training. In reviewing what kind of seat to get, I’m running into a lot of reviews that are not recommended for boys. Can any one recommend a seat that’s great for boys?

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C in Potty training

Can’t get toddler to poo on potty/toilet!

Looking for tips. My son is 2.5 and we have been no nappies during day for about a month. Wees are fine he will either go himself or you just remind him. But we have never got a poo on the potty/toilet. We have tried treats, star charts, sitting with him, leaving him etc nothing seems to work. He has no schedule so ...

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Incognito in Potty training

Potty Training

My daughter is going to be three in February & she's still not potty trained.. She'll go pee on the potty here and there when I put her on it & she tells us when she poops and what not. I feel like I'm failing my daughter by her not being fully potty trained yet.. Any tips or advice on her to get her fully there? 😭

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Incognito in Potty training

Potty training regression

My daughter has been potty trained since January. She took to it well and rarely had any poo accidents… until now. She’s suddenly started pooing herself (4 times in the space of a few days). They’re normal so it’s not like she’s got a bug or anything - I’m worrying and so confused as to why this might be happening?!

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