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💗 Potty Training Tips for Toddlers - Support Group

Potty Training Help & Advice from Miss Jen - Professional Potty Training Coach with 39+ years of experience. 👶

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H in Potty training

Not Sure What to Do

Feeling really unsure about potty training. My daughter will be 4 in November and she still really does not seem to "get" potty training. I was thinking some of it is stubbornness, but I also thinks that she still just doesn't seem to get it. Some strategies that we have tried: Rewards for trying and success- sti...

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G in Potty training

Tips & Tricks

Hiii, My daughter is going to be 3 very soon, and I have been trying to potty train her for so long. She hates getting her pull up changed; she also is able to tell me she has to pee and sit on the potty but won’t go. She will go in her pull up as soon as she is done sitting on the potty. I don’t know if anyone has ...

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D in Potty training

Potty training day 5

Hello everyone. I've been potty training my 2 and a half year old for 5 days now with her being naked from the waist down and waiting for her to start going for a wee and then running her to the potty. Now we are on the 5th day and wanted to see if she would sit on it before she has her accident with regular prompts...

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E in Potty training

Potty training misery!

I have been potty training for a year now (he’s 3) and he’s still not getting it! He goes through phases of being okay (although ALWAYS needs prompting) but then we go back to times like now where he constantly poos himself! I’m just getting so down. He’s on a waiting list of an autism assessment and he has a langua...

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A in Potty training

Potty training problems

Hi! My son just turned 4 and we’ve been potty training for about 3 months he has shown he knows when he needs to go and has gone with no problem he gets a treat when he poops in the potty my cousin babysits him a few days a week while I work and she says he has accidents here and there but he does also use the potty...

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