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A group for all the girl mums to ask for tips, tricks, advice or show off their beautiful babies 💗

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M in Postpartum symptoms


So my little girls now 7 months. And let me tell you since having her my body hasn’t been the same. Moody way more regularly which only my partner has noticed. Way more hair loss than before and now have severe scalp issues. And a big one pain when passing feces which I know TMI but god. I love the change in my boob...

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S in Baby sleep

Y’all help me😫🥴

My 8mo old keeps taking her diaper off when it’s time for bed. She sleeps in a crib across the room. The night before last I heard the Velcro noise from her diaper multiple times but when I looked over in her crib I couldn’t figure out what it was. She had only unfastened one side. Last night however, I heard the no...

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Incognito in Other

Curly hair?

Not sure if this is the beginning of curly hair? It’s just that one patch that’s longer and so it’s wispy and looks like a mess😂 she doesn’t sleep with her head that side so it’s not due to that and it’s not flattenable She has a few strands here and there that are longer and are curled. Would like to make sure I t...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

M in Making friends

Hey everyone!!

My name is maeli I’m looking for new friends to make as being a mummy and pregnant I’ve lost everyone, I have a beautiful little girl and a another one on the way x

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4 likes,1 comments

a in Baby products

comb/brush for curly hair x

Mamas, what do you use on your curly hair toddlers x

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