Menopause 🇺🇸

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Menopause 🇺🇸

A supportive community for the women of 🇺🇸 who are going through menopause

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P in Menopause

How are you coping with menopause

Hi ladies ,I'm just new to the group 5 years ago I started experiencing menopause signs I was 32 by that time went to the doctors did scans and tests they said its too early for menopause now I'm 37years old been 4years since I last had my menses ,I'm still on the waiting list to see a specialist but how do I deal w...

  • P
  • P
  • P

J in Menopause

Hello and How are You?

I joined this group to learn and share. My hormonal experiences have been very different from the majority of my friends. And yet, as with many aspects of life, you don’t always have to experience something to have respect for the issue and compassion for the people. Now, this being said when it comes to both my bod...

  • J
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  • J

L in Menopause

Hair shedding

I’m post menopausal. Does anyone else have really bad hair shedding? Can you share what supplements or hair therapy treatments you might be using that helps with this? My hair is also fine so that doesn’t help.

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Sharon is a creator on PeanutSharon

Sharon in Menopause

Boundaries? Never too late...

You might be finding that instead of things settling down at this time in your life, that you're realising that you have less and less time to yourself. Work, kids, partners, parents, bills, household responsibilities... Add in the hormonal fluctuations and falling hormone levels of peri/menopause, and keeping al...

  • Sharon is a creator on PeanutSharon
  • Sharon is a creator on PeanutSharon
  • Sharon is a creator on PeanutSharon
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M in Menopause

im new to the app!!!

hey yall!! im new to this app. are there any georgia peaches or just any LADIES in general who would like to be friends with me??

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