Perimenopause 🇺🇸

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Perimenopause 🇺🇸

A supportive community for the women of 🇺🇸 who are going through perimenopause

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Incognito in Vitamins & supplements

Probiotic recommendations

Does anyone have a good probiotic recommendation for someone going through perimenopause?

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Incognito in Menopause

I'm so confused

I'll be 37 in a couple months and over the past year my periods which have always been like clockwork, 28-32 day cycles have since postpartum turned into 19-24 day cycles. And my periods have always been 7 days so I literally bleed half the month! I haven't seen an gyn about it yet but I started using progesterone c...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Weight regulation

Hormonal weight gain

Anyone have suggestions for reducing hormonal belly fat that has worked for them? No matter what I do, it feels like it's just getting worse.

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Incognito in Birth control

Mirena iud

So... a bit odd. I am in my late 30s. Was told I am in perimenopause. To help regulate my bleeding my doctors want to put in a Mirena iud. I am having frequent heavy cycles. Anyone else experience this? I can't take oral contraceptives. Anything I need to watch out for?

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Menopause

Was told today... in perimenopause

Was told today I am in perimenopause by my gyn. Honestly, I am really freaked out as I am in my late 30s. Any advice? Wisdom? Information? My doctor is good but I mentally shut down after she said it.

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