Domestic Abuse Survivor Mamas

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Domestic Abuse Survivor Mamas

🤝 This is a safe space group for Mama's who have suffered, are suffering, are feeling at risk of suffering Domestic abuse in all its ugly forms, or for Mama's wanting information about the different forms of DV. 👁️ Not all forms of Domestic violence are physical, many are subtle and everyday forms that you may not even realise are forms of Domestic abuse. This group aims to arm women with knowledge, empower women to break the cycle of abuse and support women no matter what thier circumstances, situations or what stage of the realisation process they are at. We are here for you no matter what. 👸 All women are welcome to share, support, vent, cry and inspire one another to get through the hard times and to survive however each individual needs to survive. 🫂 This is an inclusive group, no judgement, no fear and no discrimination. All are welcome to share stories, get advice and get support from other mama's at different stages of DV survival. 💪 We are survivors ⭐ You are strong ⭐ You are beautiful ⭐ You are capable ⭐ You are a survivor ⭐ You will get through this ❣️

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Incognito in Legal


I need help... How do you know if your child is being abused by their dad? What signs are there? symptoms? How do I get help? She loves him so much but there is this nagging feeling in my gut.... I think he abused me in the marriage but honestly I'm not sure.. If he abused me then I've definitely been abused my wh...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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K in Family

Leaving toxicity

I’m 6 months pregnant and I’m leaving the father. I’m going back to Texas to be with my sister and my support system. He knows I’m leaving. There hasn’t been any fight about it. I don’t care to fight anymore he just doesn’t seem bothered by the fact I’m 6 months pregnant and leaving. He’s been verbally financially a...

  • K
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Incognito in Legal

Trying to leave

I’m currently trying to leave an emotionally. Financially, and borderline physically abusive situation with the father of my child. I had to quit my job today to focus on getting housing and it seems like a lot of the shelters are full. What steps did yall take to get out any advice would be appreciated I’m also in ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Questioning whether to leave or not

I want to leave my boyfriend. We have a child and live separate from each-other. Child stays with me. Every once in a blue something happens where I end of feeling like he would do something if he got angry enough before and after child (silly me). Always showed signs of emotional abuse, but got a aggressive recentl...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

U in Family

Lost friend (terra)

I had this really good friend here on peanut and we talked and had a lot in common she was going though a hard time and was staying in a shelter because of her ex boyfriend she texted one night and I seen it but didn’t respond or look at the msgs really because I was tired and went to sleep and ofc thought I could t...

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