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Incognito in Other

Potty training help! Releasing on the potty

Our boy has only just shown an interest in the toilet and will now quite happily sit on it for a few minutes but can't seem to release! I've tried having him blow bubbles, play with fidget toys, look at books, play with a bowl of warm water, he just can't seem to let it out! I can tell he needs to go, so then I feel...

  • Incognito
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Incognito in Potty training

Boy Pee Pee

I potty trained my son at the end of December and all has gone well. It's only been recently when I've been watching him and thinking "I wonder if that is normal". Basically his penis expands like a balloon when he's peeing. I showed my cousin today who works in a nursery and she said she hasn't seen it before. ...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

weight of your toddler?

What weight are your toddlers? My boy is very tall and he weighs 2.4 stone. He’s in size 18-24 clothes still as he’s got a tiny wee waist. I’ve looked online and it’s saying he should be referred to GP as he’s overweight 😅

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Incognito in Activities for kids

Daily activities

What do you do with your child all day every day? Especially when an only child? Feel like we play the same games all day every day.

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Incognito in Cribs & beds

Bunk beds …

I know they generally aren’t recommended for children until they’re 6 but we can build extra slats etc to keep my daughter in. We are due our 2nd in June, my first will be 3 so thinking of beds for later in the year in the autumn/winter. Has anyone got their 2 or 3 y/o in a top bunk? My daughter is sensible but isn’...

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